What to expect
Get ready to leave it all out and find the best kickboxing class in Solana Beach that will have you hooked. Power Kickboxing will bring an unmatched cardio workout with basic kickboxing techniques, bagwork, conditioning and core strengthening drills. Our kickboxing classes are designed to introduce beginners to the fundamental coordination and combinations of kickboxing. Kick, sweat and let it out!
From Kickboxing to Muay Thai
Our kickboxing classes in San Diego introduce dynamic stretching and shadowboxing, basic bag work and prime ab circuits. Kickboxing in Solana Beach is leading to build endurance, muscle strength and quicken the mind. With your progression in mind, translate your kickboxing skills into a favorite addiction: Muay Thai.
Kickboxing Coaches
With an unwavering focus and determination to teach the sport of kickboxing and Muay Thai in Solana Beach, our coaches are well-trained with vast experiences training in Thailand and professional fight careers to help you launch into your goals.
Solana Beach Coaches